Saturday, February 16, 2008


I had to make an emergency trip to Yokohama. I don't get out much. Here are a few pictures of the excitement:

First, we had the most amazing luck and ran across a poster for these little buggers, clionidae. I've always wanted to see some in real life.

They're also called Sea Angels and they sooth you absolutely when they swim.

Here's my rotten pic:

However, when a Clionidae eats, it turns into a ferocious beast. You see, their heads open up and well....

Excitement number two was momi tea. I believe it's from Hawaii, a kind of milk tea with enormous black tapiocas at the bottom.

J imbibing:

Look at the size of the tapioca!

Then, as if things couldn't get better, I saw this. It's an Eco Friendly taxi. Three hundred yen (about three bucks, I round numbers, btw) for well, I don't know what. But they had them everywhere in all different colors.

Here is what Yokohama, Minato Mirai looks like at night.

Just gorgeous.

And just think, I didn't even make it to China Town this time.


Pat said...

Ooh, I like that Eco Friendly Taxi. Wonder if they sell those in the U.S.?

Kappa no He said...

They were so cute. And two could fit comfortably in the back it looked like.

Jim Melvin said...

I swear to gawd, you have the coolest blog items on the face of the Earth.

Katarina-bakajo said...

JAPAN ... IS ... THE ... BEST! if you ever visit Canada you will probably be very bored.. unless your in Vancouver or Toronto. You seem to get around quite a bit though... well compared to me. Since we moved to Canada I haven't even left the country let alone our province. ;-;

Jim Melvin said...

I did some shifting around on my blog and accidentally deleted your comment about my cast of characters. Sorry about that.

Kappa no He said...

Thank Jim! Oh, and I'll just go right back and recomment, ha ha!

Katarina Bakajo: I live out in the boondocks and oddly enough, the strangest things happen here. I think Vancouver would be a dream!

Ello - Ellen Oh said...

Oh wow! Lovely! I'm so glad I found you so I can see all this great stuff from the other side of the world! One day I'm going to get me out to the Far East. I really really want to go!

Kappa no He said...

Me and the adorable little Clionidae will be waiting!

Mary Witzl said...

Natsukashikute tamaranai! I used to live in Yokohama, in Konandai, then not far from Myorenji, on the Toyoko line.

Ice angels, eh? I have never seen those, and my first impulse was that they were too cute to be alive. Glad you provided that information about them eating. Ewww...

Frank Baron said...

Great pics and those angel slugs look like they'd make terrific bait!!


Kidding! :)

Obidasin said...

Hi, I love your blog, such a unique view into such a unique culture. =D

That tapioca drink sounds EXACTLY like this drink called "bubble tea." It's really popular where I live (it's a suburb in New Jersey, USA that's 30% East Asian)--we even have a cafe devoted to making bubble tea in a dozen or so different flavors. A few of my Chinese and Taiwanese friends have told me bubble tea was invented in Taiwan during the 1980s or so, and they say the traditional name for it is "boba."

Just a cool little factoid. =)

Kappa no He said...

Mary, you lived in Yokohama! I am so jealous. My husband was there for two years, tanshinfunin. And we went a bunch. Except for all the up-down roads I really enjoyed it.

Frank: You be careful there, those critters can take your hand off!

Obidasin: OMG, that is sooo fascinating. In China Town they do have other flavers, I remember now. But I didn't know that at all about the history. Fascinating. And my son loves the name Bubble Tea...Boba!

Hey, my dad was born in a suburb of New Jersey.

plaid said...

Isn't it great when a day out goes well like that? Amazing pics, btw. Bubble tea was quite the fad for a while, it even showed up in my neck of the woods, but kinda faded. I think it may be an acquired taste. I understand the concept, however, because when I was growing up, people would take a bottle of Coke or Pepsi (depends on your preference) and pour a packet of peanuts in it, eating the peanuts as you sipped from the bottle.

Caleb Schantz said...

You were 10 minutes from my house and you didn't let me know!!!
I am sad....