All in all I didn't blow up too bad. I think J was more frightened I would. Maybe he felt for my embarrassment. At least I hope so. Then...just when I'm convinced... my gosh this child is going to turn into one of those garbage people who can't throw anything away...what am I to do!? I come across a book he was given that day. It seems he won an award for a science project he did last summer. He was like one out of ten in the entire prefecture to get the award and his name on the back of these study books all the children get for summer.
The experiment awarded was an ant farm but raised in that blue gel stuff. It was interesting and fun and we made lots of neat observations like how they buried all their dead in one tunnel and how when things got really busy and nervous there were two big ants that would guard this little baby ant. In the end we committed what is in effect ant genocide. The gel began to break down and it just got too sticky. Then there was the outbreak of the pink mould. It was quite a horror show after we had really gotten to know and love the little guys. This year will not involve living things I'm sure. Here's the certificate. So...yea, yesterday was quite a day.
Cheese spring rolls and fried octopus in radish and ponzu sauce. Yum!
Here is Julyan holding a crab claw. He brought that thing home and left it on the kitchen table. The cats had themselves a little party last night. Pieces of crab claw...everywhere!