I am smitten! I have a new cell phone, and I am in love. I don't own a couch, chair, table lamp, clothes dryer, toaster, or bed. Yep, none. But I do have a new cell phone.
And so you can see where my priorities lie.
Here it is.
And it sliiiides open.
The darn thing is smarter than I'll ever be. Of course it has a camera where you can choose size, pixel size, ISO, aperture, shutter speed etc., it has a radio, and some messenger thing where I can mail friends and we can become these little barnyard animal manga-looking characters and chat. It also tells me it even has a library! Oh, and since it goes online there are infinite games, shops, and other online goodies.
That's all fine and dandy.
But right now the part I'm most excited about is that it holds a memory card (of up to 4giga) and works like a Walkman. Since I'm the only one in the family without a portable listening device, I am ever-so stoked about this. I spent all last weekend filling it will Primus, Yes, A Perfect Circle, you know, the works. I know sleep with the thing.
On my last visit to the states (almost two years ago) I was shocked to notice not every, indeed hardly any, American had a cell phone growing out of their ear or attached to their palm. Things may have changed since then. I am looking forward to seeing what's up on the mobile telephone scene when I go back this winter. And you just know I'm gonna show off by making a long distance phone call with my pink puppy!
Here. You'd be hard pressed to find someone without a cell phone. And I'm talking the elderly and children as well. I have been tutoring my mother-in-law on how to use her new one for a few weeks now. She got one because all her friends had one, she admits. And half of J's fifth grade class has one. I know first graders who have them. The reasoning behind giving them to children is because of all the abuctions of recent. The children's phones come with GPS and alarms and stuff.
Here is a short list of what phones are used for here in Japan:
※ Read novels. Yep, they really do. I actually wrote an article (I am too lazy to dig up) about an author who writes novels especially for cell phones. His target audience is junior high and high school girls. He sends the story out in installments at several yen per mini chapter. The guy is quite clever as he has developed an enormous fan base and literally uses the girls' daily text messenging feedback to bend his story in directions they will favor. He's filthy rich, and has movie coming out too; the dog.
※Watch TV. There is something called One Seg and because of it everyone has been watching TV on their phones. I don't get it. I like my big TV. But I guess if you are somewhere and want to catch the last minutes of a good game...
※Study. Could find no good links to this but because Japanese tend to commute for great lengths of time there are oodles of cell phone sites now that offer short studies. You can learn characters, foreign languages, loosen up your brain with math quizzes, just to name a few.
※As a navigational tool. Get lost in downtown Tokyo? Here ya go!
※Even as a way to quit smoking!
※Oh, and let's not forget a fashion accessory.
I guess the fancy thing to do now is to use real stones to decorate your phone. Here we have a Hello Kitty and Chanel fan.
Or, hey, how about Eddie Van Halen. {Although I personally stopped liking him back when he flipped me a bird. I was innocent!}
And I even found a cell phone that does more than mine!
Oh gosh. Matt has thoroughly gotten me addicted to Youtube and I was hardly looking when I found this... a new movie, The Cell Phone Detective. The catch phrase is, "We just can't depend on adults!"
I can still not tell if Japanese movies try to B movies or if it just comes natural.
ROFL.."I know sleep with the thing"
Most here have a cell phone stuck to their ears..they did 2yrs ago at least too at least where I was.
The pic of the swiss phone was awesome lol
That Van Halen phone rules.
The newest thing here is the bluetooth... phones that you literally wear on your ear. Everybody walks around looking like a secret service agent.
or the extra that is going to die in an old star trek episode lol
Totally forgot about Bluetooth. We have that sneaky lookin' faction here as well.
The first time I ever saw someone do that, with the ear thing and talking to themselves was an enormous black guy on a shuttle bus in an airport. We were kinda pressed together and I thought he was talking to me and tried to answer...he thought I!! was insane!!
BK* Yea...I remember those episodes!!
I had no idea you had a hot pink number hidden in your purse!! Cooooool! I am SO impressed that you know how to work so many of the functions. I don't have a clue with mine. Is that Cell Phone Detective movie for real?!??
Now, hang on...did I say I knew how to USE any of those awesome functions(besides the music)?? Bwa ha ha! I'm still a dork, despite the hot pink number! There are too many folders and my mail, photos, music is getting all mixed up and hidden. Two week and I break it, I betcha!
Oh yes, the movie is real evidentally.
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